March 2021

How hospital business improves laundry management with RFID?

HEALTHCARE LAUNDRY AND RFID With RFID technology, elaborate and expensive sorting and counting by hand is no longer necessary. In hospitals and nursing homes the challenge of linen inventory management is compounded by concerns over infection. Healthcare organizations of all kinds are under enormous pressure to prevent and control infections, particularly as diseases can be easily spread by soiled linens. For example, infections among hospital patients are on the rise… Read More »How hospital business improves laundry management with RFID?

How Auto Manufacturer is Leveraging RAIN RFID for RTIs Tracking

By optimizing the RTIs fleet, gaining accurate inventories, improving cycle time and reducing shrinkage, new container purchases can be reduced significantly. The Customer Our Client is an Automotive OEM, member of one of the world’s leading automotive alliances. Our  Japanese Client, announced several initiatives as part of a new cooperation business model to enhance the competitiveness and profitability of the two other partner companies.  The Client invests in all vehicle… Read More »How Auto Manufacturer is Leveraging RAIN RFID for RTIs Tracking

Common Challenges of Tracking Fixed Assets

Common Challenges of Tracking Fixed Assets Lack of Asset Visibility High-value asset tracking remains a consistent cross-industry challenge. Historically, assets have been treated as an afterthought – managers may only pay attention when something goes wrong. The use of opaque, outdated tracking methods only exacerbates the problem as managers don’t have the oversight they need to preempt issues or resolve problems quickly and efficiently. If your business is tracking assets… Read More »Common Challenges of Tracking Fixed Assets