
Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?



We serve an international client base out of our headquarters in USA — Florida. We are a registered company with the Federal EIN (registration number: 37 -1757050). We have a Point of Production and Marketing in São Paulo – Brazil also and business partners in several countries. Smartx Hub’s system is accessible via web and mobile apps from anywhere in the world.
Smartx is an innovative manufacturer of custom tags for identifying, tracking and controlling property, products, and processes. The customized Tags may include consecutive numbers, constant copy or variable data using barcode, NFC and RFID. Smartx is known for durable RF tags and smart labels, industry expertise and an exceptional customer experience.
Smartx partner with many institutions and companies such as System Integrators, insurance agencies and financial companies, and we have a simple way to get started. Please visit the link Become a partner.
Property Taxes – Most companies pay property taxes based on the total asset value. By keeping accurate records of asset value and eliminating ghost assets, a company can ensure that do not overpay on property taxes. Federal and State Taxes – By keeping their asset base updated and eliminating ghost assets, companies can take advantage of a full tax write off in the year that an asset is lost, instead of delaying the tax benefit by depreciating an asset that no longer exists.
You can deploy Smartx Hub(r) across your entire company in as soon as today! All you need is to register for an account, download our Smartx Hub app from Google Play, add your users and assets (you can use Excel to import the asset list), and you can start tracking right away!
Like most other apps, Smartx Hub requires Internet connectivity to work and any SIM card with 3G / 4G (LTE) data plan will be able to run Smartx Hub APK. But in case your handheld or Smartphone has WIFI, the APK runs good also
No. We’ve designed Smartx HUB to be as simple as possible so that you do not need to go through the hassles of integrating different systems just to start tracking your deliveries. You can simply use our web forms to add your assets and Tags or import your asset inventory list, location, conditions, department, status, costs, etc (XLS format) into our system. You can then export your Assets List and Conditions s in PDF, Excel or CSV. If you wish for more automation, you can always integrate your system with Smartx via our Application Programming Interface (API).
Smartx HUB is global-ready. This means that you can use Smartx Hub to track your assets in any country around the world. Our address recognition and map coverage are now worldwide and therefore will likely be able to work in your country. Smartx HUB is currently being used in USA,  Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Peru, Colombia, Angola, Mexico Brazil and more!
Our admin dashboard supports Internet Explorer (version 8 and above), Safari, Chrome, Firefox, iPhone / iPad (iOS) and Android web browsers.
Yes. All you need to do is to remove the current User in your admin dashboard before adding a new one and you will not be charged for the new User. There is no limit to the number of Users you can change or create.
We accept cash, wire transfer, checks (“cheques”) and all major debit / credit cards via PayPal. Note: You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay with your card. Cash and check payments are only available to customers based in USA or Brazil.
Heavy machine building & aerospace: minimized labor costs and production delays by allowing staff to quickly locate expensive inventory that needs to go into the heavy machine and aircraft production. Vehicle dealership & warehousing: on-time shipment & lower operational costs by allowing staff to quickly locate the vehicle that they need to ship to a specific customer within indoor and outdoor parking lots with cars, forklifts, trucks, golf carts, etc. Manufacturing maintenance services: better operational availability & fewer bottlenecks by allowing manufacturing and maintenance staff to quickly find the expensive tool/equipment they need so that it never stays idle or stops production. Coils and other rolled materials manufacturing: higher throughput rate by allowing staff to find the piece of inventory they need in order to prepare a customer order. (coils, rolled roofing materials etc.) Pallets warehousing: fewer write-offs and overstocking by making sure that pallets are not misplaced and lost & always have an overview of where they are and where they were was last seen.
A number of organizations have experimented with tagging items with RFID chips in the past. While these are useful, they have a limited range, which means they are not useful for larger spaces. Beacons have an advantage here, partly because they have a larger range, but also because they can be deployed in groups. You can easily cover a large warehouse space with just a few beacons. For other internal spaces (where you have to deal with smaller rooms, corridors, lifts etc.), you can quickly deploy beacons in fleets to give total coverage. It’s also worth noting that beacons offer greater security and more control over the type of signals being broadcast and accepted. One case that we have talked about internally is hospitals. Medical equipment is very high-value, and quickly locating the right device can literally be a case of life and death. Medical scanners and devices are routinely wheeled from place to place within hospitals; so tagging them with BLE beacons makes perfect sense. Because beacons use low-energy signals, they also avoid interfering with device operations. This also allows usage patterns to be monitored and optimized.
Yes. It is all automatic via Push Notification. In case you desire to synchronize manually the APK, you will be notified of both successful and unsuccessful synchronization process.
Every location is differentiated by location code and location master tag. As your user is reaching the location, all assets at that location will be showed in a list in the app. And once all inventory has been completed, all your User needs to do is to scan and confirm the assets found in the list (identifiable by Green or Red Sign).
Yes. The latest versions of Android apps are able to scan RFID, NFC, QR codes and barcodes for every location and for every item of the inventory.
Yes. Smartx Hub allows you to enter asset details such as asset #, location, assigned name, status, date time, users, etc. Your Filed Service will be able to record any item rejection or remarks regarding the inventory or check-in-out and capture signature and send them back to your Smartx HUB dashboard for instant updates.
We understand that mobile data can be costly in some countries and that is why every effort has been made to minimize the amount of data used by our Smartx HUB app. But it depends on a lot of numbers the pictures, a number of assets to process inventory and permanent asset real-time monitoring.
Our Smartx Hub app can run on any Android phone installed with Android 4.4 or higher. However, we recommend at least Android 5.0 or higher for more reliable performance.
Yes. You can use free apps such as Perfect App Protector (recommended), AppLock or Smart App Protector to lock down the Android phone to be able to only use our Smartx HUB app. These apps can lock the phone’s ability to surf Internet, download apps, send SMS, make calls, etc.
Smartx offers an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows developers to integrate Smartx Hub with their existing systems. The Smartx HUB also has a Excel and CSV export process to make it simple
Yes. Our price plans are contract-free and you may cancel your subscription anytime without penalty, though any remaining unused license period will not be refunded.
Smartx HUB’s software is technology-agnostic. It means SmartX HUB can process multiple automatic identification technologies. It can even work with several of these data capture technologies simultaneously. This is ideal for companies that want to track different types of assets with different technologies. Sometimes RFID can be used on high-value assets and barcodes for assets that cost less or move less. Our flexible hardware-agnostic solution is also good for those companies that want to do a gradual upgrade from one technology to another over time. Customers can consider beacons tag to active monitoring conditions and movements real-time.

